LuxTag recognized as Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation’s (MDEC) partner

by | Mar 27, 2018 | Blockchain, Collaboration, Education, Events, Events, Startup, Technology

LuxTag recognized as Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation’s (MDEC) partner

by | Mar 27, 2018 | Blockchain, Collaboration, Education, Events, Events, Startup, Technology

LuxTag® was invited to the National Higher Education Carnival (Karnival KPT) held at Universiti Malaysia Terengganu last Saturday 24th March. As part of the program LuxTag’s CFO, Faeez M Noor gave a motivational talk to the younger generation inviting them to undertake a career in digital technology and explained how significant the opportunities in Malaysia are.

In the matter of education, LuxTag has also pledged to support MDEC’s initiative, the “Platform for Real Industry Driven Project Exchange” (PRIDE) program in early 2018. LuxTag will participate as a partner focusing on various
engagements such as participation as an industry speaker, providing internship and job placement opportunities; and contributing to university curriculum review as the subject matter expert, among many other engagements.

In the same context, Luxtag is exploring a potential collaboration with the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) and a consortium of public universities to co-create a blockchain-based solution against falsified university diplomas and achievement certificates.

The event included a ceremony in which besides 2 others, LuxTag was awarded a Certificate of Recognition as one of the Digital Tech Education Funders supporting the Premier Digital Tech IHL (Institutions of High Learning) ecosystem.

Find out more about :

1) CFO Faeez talking about Blockchain & Education in Malaysia


®“LuxTag”, Trademark registered.

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