Education in 2022: How Digital Credentials Can Bridge the Gap Between Education and Employment

by | Dec 24, 2021 | All Articles, Blockchain, Business, Education, Technology

Digital credentials are the digital equivalent of paper-based credentials. They are a proof of qualification that creates opportunities for individuals to showcase their competencies and get jobs in a more secure, transparent way. 

Digital credentials are a real lever that offers added value to universities in order to position themselves as leaders in their field. Throughout this article, we’ll be explaining how deploying a digital credentials strategy can bring you many benefits in the long run and why they are a better approach than paper-based certificates. 

Jump to specific parts:

Digital credentials can help you increase students engagement

Digital Credentials can be easily verified

Skill Tags help you capture and showcase your learners’ achievement 



1) Digital credentials can help you increase students engagement

Following the pandemic, a lot of Institutions switched from offline to online learning. 

While many students may have managed to adapt to this new way of learning, staying fully engaged is certainly a challenge for some. Hence, finding a way to keep your students engaged is equally as important as planning the program itself. In fact, most educators agree that student engagement is paramount for a high-quality learning experience.

Although we might differ in the best approach to achieve this outcome, Edtech leaders agree that digital badges are one possible solution.

Digital Badges is one way to keep your students engaged online as it allows you to reward your students for every micro-achievement within the module. These digital badges are stored within a credential platform that displays the skills learned at every milestone.

Students can now instantly share these awards with their network across multiple platforms to showcase the skills they’ve learned.

This way of doing things helps generate momentum and creates an environment of competitiveness among your students, keeping them ultimately motivated to complete your course regardless of how difficult it might be.

2) Digital credentials can be easily verified

Credential fraud has spiralled into a multi-billion-dollar industry. a UNESCO study led by Dr. George Brown estimated that Worldwide, 30% of senior executives present qualifications they do not hold. 

While this phenomenon may pose a reputational risk for certain Universities, it also raises a serious concern for employers in their hiring process. Having a digital credentialing process in place is one way to combat the tampering of the credentials.

Although HR teams still haven’t found a way to authenticate achievements in an automated manner, a shift to digital credentials can help automate the verification process. Eventually replacing the expensive background checks with an instant (real-time?) verification of the data submitted by the applicant.

In fact Digital Credentials also have the added benefit of reducing the workload of administrators in terms of both costs and time spent on generating, shipping & verifying the certificates especially when looking to scale-up your program.

A shift to digital credentials can ultimately create more trust, bridge the gap between educators and employers and lay the foundation for more sustainable synergies within both ecosystems.

3) Skill Tags help you capture and showcase your learners’ achievement  

A skill tag represents the set of competencies a recipient acquired through your certified program. Skill tags help promote your program as well as the skills your recipient should master by the end of the training.

As more companies are adopting a skill-based approach for hiring. Skill tags help you communicate the value behind your program as compared to similar ones. They also have the added benefit of empowering students to share their stories and lifelong achievements with their potential employers. 

Adding skill tags to your digital certificate helps you promote your certifying programs, increase your visibility and differentiates you from your competition.


Digital credentials are not only a digital representation of your paper-based certificates but are also a great way to showcase how your training program is different from similar ones.  

The future of showcasing qualifications, skills and micro-achievements lies in the adoption of digital credentials. Now more than ever, Educators and employers need to work in close synergy to equip learners with the skills needed for their future jobs.

DocuTag is a platform that helps you secure your educational credentials from tampering with no possibility of being edited, copied or faked. We connect official certificates of your institution with a digital representation of them and let employers instantly verify them on our platform themselves.

 Get started with digital credentials by signing up for a free account. For more Information about our credentialing platform or a demo, please get in touch with one of our sales representatives.


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Issue, Manage and Secure thousands of certificates in a matter of seconds with DocuTag

  • Reduces 70% of your certificates production costs
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  • Ensure security with no third party involved